What is Nine Irons?


The Nine Irons is an old Irish Amulet. In the 1800s Irish Blacksmiths were often called upon to make a set of miniatures. All over Ireland there were traditions of the power of iron in bringing good luck, averting and healing sickness, countering charms and spells and warding off mischievous or malignant spirits and influences.

There are not many surviving examples of this wonderful Amulet.

I have reproduced the Nine Irons using the same traditional forging methods used by our forefathers..

The Cross

1. Cross

The Cross

The Cross was added by the people
Plough Coulter

2. Plough Coulter

The Plough Coulter

The Plough Coulter to help a child afflicted by ‘fits and starts’ while sleeping
Plough Share

3. Plough Share

The Plough Share

The Plough Share to help a child afflicted by ‘fits and starts’ while sleeping
Shovel Blade

4. Shovel Blade

The Shovel Blade

The Shovel Blade to help retrieve lost items
Spade Blade

5. Spade Blade

The Spade Blade

The Spade Blade to help retrieve lost items

6. Hatchet

The Hatchet

The Hatchet to ward off negative influences

7. Saw

The Saw

The Saw to ward off negative influences
Griddle Pan

8. Griddle Pan

The Griddle Pan

The Griddle Pan made red hot warded off any challenges
Horse Shoe Nail

9. Horse Shoe Nail

The Horse Shoe Nail

The Horse Shoe Nail carried for good luck